Finally! Found A Sword For My DX RV Robo and Horn For My DX Chogokin GingaiOh
Here we are again for a quick update of my Super Sentai DX mecha collection.

First on the list is the RV Sword of DX RV Robo, based on the main mecha of Gekisou Sentai Carranger aka Power Rangers Turbo. It’s not a hard-to-find Sentai accesories but its great to find a great condition one just like this RV Robo sword.

Next is the horn of DX Chogokin GingaiOh from Seijuu Sentai Gingaman aka Power Rangers Lost Galaxy which is one of the hardest item to find.

Weapons/Accesories are sometimes the hardest part to find and some are quite expensive sometimes but its rewarding if you finally get those gems.

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