Decals Added To My BAIWEI TW-1030 KO SS-102 ROTB Optimus Prime Collection
These water slide decals for Studio Series “Rise of the Beasts” Optimus Prime fit nicely on my BAIWEI TW-1030 KO SS-102 ROTB Optimus Prime.

For me, the BAIWEI TW-1030 KO SS-102 ROTB Optimus Prime version is an improvement over the “Studio Series” version in terms of paints, detailing, accessories, weaponry, and some issues.

Adding these decals to the BAIWEI TW-1030 KO SS-102 ROTB Optimus results in a visual upgrade that is considerably much closer to the ROTB movie version.
I messed up the plate number decal. 😂

What do you think? I hope there are additional upgrading kits for the hands, as most of the KO versions still have those hideous hands.
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